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Jouanne Dieus

Graduated Kinesiologist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Diploma in Manual Arthro-neuro-Skeletal Therapy at the University of Chile, Instructor of Functional Training and Kineanthropometrist (ISAK level 1). He completed his undergraduate thesis on Focal Dystonia of the Musician in 2013, a syndrome little known and studied in Chile, for which he decided to dedicate himself to the rehabilitation of musicians when he saw that in the country there were no health professionals dedicated to the subject. He takes the Basic Course in Physiotherapy of Online Music and the Specialization Course in the Prevention of Injuries and the Improvement of the Performance of Instrumental Musicians taught by the Center for the Prevention of Performing Arts in Barcelona, Spain.

In September 2017, he participated in the Course “Physiology of Applied Exercise to Voice” taught by the Center for Voice Studies in São Paulo, Brazil. In July 2018 he traveled to Barcelona to complete the Complete Specialization in Performing Arts Rehabilitation taught by the Center for the Prevention of Performing Arts in Barcelona, which includes dance, music, voice and theater.

In 2016 he launched his personal project KineArtMusic: rehabilitation specialized in the arts
scenic. During that year he worked with more than 70 musicians in the rehabilitation of injuries such as tendonitis, nerve compressions, overuse syndrome, Satchmo syndrome and focal dystonia of the musician. In addition to preventive work and optimization of musical performance. Holds exhibitions in conservatories, universities, schools and musical orchestras in different regions of Chile, promoting self-care of artists, training planning and injury prevention.

Regarding other relevant participations: in 2016 and 2018 she was an exhibitor at the Conference of
World Celebration of Voice Day, at the School of Speech Therapy of the University of
Valparaíso, in which he performs a postural evaluation class for speech therapists every year.

In addition, in 2018 he participated in the development of an ergonomic bass with Luthier Daniel Harb.

Fundación Cultural Chile Violines © 2021

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